Judges in the Classroom has moved to our new site! Go to PowerOfDemocracy.org to request a visit today!
Teachers, how much do you know about Government? These graphics and videos will help you learn the basics of our three branches, the rule of law, and more! Feel free to use them in your lessons.
Handouts and Graphics
Handouts and Graphics
Puzzles are easy to email or handout to students. While their minds are fresh on the subject, ask them to complete the activities, then review what they learned:
Puzzles are easy to email or handout to students. While their minds are fresh on the subject, ask them to complete the activities, then review what they learned:

Videos: Visitors may choose to show these videos during their presentation. If time is a concern, teachers may view these with their students before or after a visit.
Videos: Visitors may choose to show these videos during their presentation. If time is a concern, teachers may view these with their students before or after a visit.
About State Courts (Grades 6-12)
Difference between federal court and state court (all grades)
Advanced lessons on the Constitution:
Advanced lessons on the Constitution:
Constitutional Battles of the Branches (Middle School)
Constitutional Battles of the Branches (High School)