The Constitution
The following lessons highlight the judicial branch of government, the role of the judiciary, and the origins and importance of the U.S. Constitution.
"No Animals Allowed" Grades K-5
"No Animals Allowed" is the most requested lesson for elementary school classrooms. This lesson introduces very young learners to the concept of governance, the difference between a rule and a law, and introduces the foundation of the U.S. Constitution.
Links to PowerPoint Slides: K-3 | 4-5
"We Are All Equal" Grades 6-12
Introduce students to the origins of the Constitution, the founding fathers who wrote it, and the three equal branches of government it established (with emphasis on the judicial branch). Key points: Manga Carta, Revolutionary War, Federalism, Articles 1-3, Bill of Rights, Founding Fathers, Judicial Review. An optional 10-minute activity is included.

"The Constitution" Grades 5-6
This lesson is a comprehensive "grab and go" presentation on the Constitution. Source: Santa Clara County Superior Court.
"The First Amendment" Grades 6-12
Freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances are center-stage for this lesson on the Constitution and the First Amendment. This lesson takes students through milestone cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, including a few important cases argued recently. Source: Judges in the Classroom
Voter Rights and the U.S. Constitution Grades 3-12
This lesson explores the exciting period in U.S. history and the work of the women's suffrage movement leading up to the passage of the 19th Amendment. Students will compare their strategies to promote awareness and garner support to those used by today's modern campaigns for justice.